Friday, July 19, 2013 0 comments

Too Many Topics

It's only my second blog post, and I feel overwhelmed with the possibilities
of the content!  There are so many topics of relevancy in my life right now,
and I feel a 300 page post coming on.

So, rather than take up so much time and space, I'm going to list some
topics of interest/ events that happened or are happening and tackle 1 per day.

1.       Being in early recovery and finding out you're pregnant

2.       Having a miscarriage at 8 weeks and finding myself in a
mini-relapse situation

3.       Exploring eating disorders and pregnancy

4.       Bio-hacking your eating disorder and recovery

5.       Restoring leptin sensitivity after an eating disorder

6.       What is leptin and why is it important

7.       The leptin reset protocol and how it's working for me

8.       Dealing with the stress of work after having 3 months off to
recover from an ED

9.       How conventional ED treatment is failing us and actually makes us
more likely to relapse

10.   Musings on "If I ran an ED treatment center"...

11.   Hormones, hormones, hormones

12.   Can ED recovered people have a healthy relationship with a paleo diet?

13.   Why starches?  Really?

14.   Ranting on dairy and its use in ED treatment

15.   When/ how/ why to exercise

16.   Optimal fertility while actively recovering from an ED

Saturday, July 6, 2013 0 comments

Bursting the Pink Bubble

As I head into the fourth month of full-on recovery from a lifelong eating disorder, I am leaving what "they" in the ED recovery biz call "The Pink Bubble".  I have been told that the first 90 days of recovery can be deceivingly easy, and beyond this 90 day mark, new and unforeseen challenges in recovery may arise.  To be honest, I never even imagined that I would be able to keep the urges and compulsions to binge, purge, or restrict food at bay for even a week; three months of "normal" living and eating is beyond my wildest dreams, and yet, here I am, living it!

But somehow, despite the small piece of fear that I will relapse that has been lodged in my mind like shrapnel, I know I will persevere through any urges that may bubble to the surface.  Many will wonder how I entered the realm of recovery, what my life looks like now, and how I stay focused and centered in the present.  These are the very things that will come up as we explore eating disorders, their causes and the role they may play in the lives of many women and men in our world, and maximizing healing of the mind, body, and soul as this blog unfolds.

Thank you for joining me in my search for well being.  My belief is that we are all in this together, and if we can find connections, create relationships, and share our learning, so much the better for humanity.


